
It's been awhile but I've finally have a blog, you had better write on it! Since this is my only web site, I'd best be gettin' to writing. My Facebook site is my bread and butter but I also need another networking outlet for those of you who don't have Facebook. What? Some people don't have Facebook? tee hee....I couldn't live without it, or have a thriving business without it.

I spent the horrible winter in purgatory held up in this meat locker of a farmhouse painting and collecting what I love....vintage treasures!! Since I am void of a social life outside of my house/shop, I thank God for the internet to keep me connected to the outside world. As crappy as my internet is, next worst thing to dial up, I'm grateful.

My Facebook site has grown to over 2500 followers and for that, I am also grateful. I keep connected to followers around the world and it's such a fun world. I make friends and network and connect to people that I would have otherwise never known. We share ideas and creations. It's the creative process that keeps us all going strong.

I'll keep this short! I am attaching some wonderful transformations I created while keeping warm aside my wood stove (very very grateful for that as well).

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