What a wonderful experience. My sweet friend and production assistant from the Million Dollar Neighbourhood, M.J. Slauko was instrumental in organizing my appearance on the show. We arranged to meet at the station with some of my favourite pieces from my Country Chic shop. I must admit to be nervous, but super excited at the same time. We arranged the pieces and the cameras started rolling. The host of the Know it All show, Barb was fantastic!! When I stumbled on a few words, Barb was there to save me. While showing my vintage make-overs, I demonstrated how to create functional home decor out of discarded pieces of frame and chicken wire. We highlighted some of the vintage, retro and kitchy pieces of days gone by, we chatted, we laughed and the whole experience was just a dream come true. So fun and oddly, I felt in my element.
I would like to thank the producer Judi, M.J. and Barb for inviting me. Hey...maybe I'll get my own show? How incredible would that be? I would love to showcase like minded souls who re-purpose and re-love discarded furniture. Lovers of non-conventional home decor...junkers, antique lovers...artists who can make a chandelier out of bed springs...lovers of barn board art...lovers of all that's vintage, retro, boho and kitchy styles. The list is endless. The best and greatest thing of all, is there are no rules to re-purposing!! I run with some of the best local artisans. I would never run out of guests..ever!!
So I'm sending my request out to the universe...The Vintage Chick on the Road!...now that's a catchy title for a show :)
Yours...as always
Rhonda xx

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